Coffee with friends
is the best
social network
Mondoux’s vision is to create a place where time passes differently. We believe that creating quality food, chocolate or coffee takes time. By sharing coffee with friends at Mondoux, you’re immersed in an environment where you can appreciate a new kind of quality and begin to perceive time passing differently.
Life is tasty
The goal is to treat ourselves and our loved ones to the best so that we can evolve and enjoy our time for as long as possible without losing any of the pleasure of food. We realize that the better we live and eat, the longer and more fulfilling our lives will be. However, in doing so, we do not want to miss out on the delights.
We want to live and feel the pulse of life. Let’s focus more on ourselves, on our loved ones, and on our children. When visiting Mondoux, customers should experience a place where time passes differently and where they can enjoy every day because we believe it’s worth it. While each Mondoux location is authentic, we also incorporate the concept of time passage into the design.
In harmony with nature
Environmentally friendly practices are an integral part of Mondoux’s philosophy. We optimize the intensity of food and beverage preparation, eliminate waste, and direct the majority of production to a central kitchen. Another positive step is the switch from plastic loyalty cards to the Mondoux app and the intranet platform for the team, which has replaced paper documents.
Through continuous innovation, we improve and streamline the system of running bistros, resulting in satisfied customers, a well-coordinated team, and thriving business partners. Our innovations range from product, technical, personnel, and communication improvements to tweaks in image and taste. The main pillars of innovation include the international loyalty app, the staff training platform, and the franchise support program.